Our approach: involve all local players
Innovation is relevant only when built together with all, by all and for all. Every day we work to associate all players of our ecosystem as we strive to build greener and smoother mobility that is ideally suited to today’s world.

Innovation programs in Grenoble
In Grenoble (France), we are piloting LEMON, a joint innovation program to imagine new ways of moving around. Bus-stop development, making car-sharing and public transit work alongside one another, contactless payment: all examples of projects that have been built together in consultation with local authorities and inhabitants.
We are testing five new facilities to promote active mobility at neighbourhood level. The “Chrono en Marche !” project is based on an approach that is 100% participative and co-produced. This experiment is currently testing:
- a “rest” theme, where everyone has their place, depending on how they move around;
- a 15-metre multi-use bench;
- a “new-generation” passenger shelter;
- a direction system to get people on the right route, signage for children, etc.
Innovations imagined by travellers and currently being tested on wide scale!
The “Chrono en Marche !” project won a top European innovation award – “Smart Cities” from Le Monde newspaper in 2017.
Joint design workshops, hackathons, collaboration with start-ups
We use a number of different methods to jointly build everyday mobility tailored to everyone.
Cooperation with innovative firms, however small, however big:
- As a pioneer of MaaS (Mobility-as-a-Service), we are carrying out an active policy of development and investment in France, the Netherlands and Finland to give passengers the chance to discover a unique and “seamless” mobility experience.
- As partners with the Groupeer company, we are improving the safety of children aboard our school buses by way of a counting system based on a connected bracelet and an app.
- With Wever, we are piloting “smart mobility” and letting passengers share their everyday mobility issues by way of an app.
We have designed living prototypes directly in public areas, such as the “Carrefour de Mobilité” (mobility hub) in Echirolles (2014) or in La Rochelle (France) in 2016. We regularly organise “design-thinking” workshops focused on specific issues: school transport, mobility for senior citizens, etc.
Our strength: making innovation the product of in-house culture
Our teams have enormous innovation potential. To nurture it, we have created a project mechanism, open to all the Group’s employees: Innov’Cluster.
The goal is to spur the emergence of innovative ideas, to have these ideas shared, optimised, tested and, for the most relevant ones, validated. With our Innov’Cluster intrapreneurship programme, our employees design, learn and test their ideas with experts and users for several months.
At Transdev, we believe that service quality must benefit both passengers and our drivers, personnel in the field and our employees as a whole. This is why we incubate these innovative projects with the Innov’Cluster programme.
Virginie Fernandes, Director of Strategy and Transformation