Do citizens have a say in what their cities look like ?
Boutaïna Araki
President of Clear Channel France

In this video clip, Boutaïna Araki, President of Clear Channel France, talks about the importance of planning in urban mobility issues.
Outdoor advertising is a street medium that is very much involved in the city and its mobility. Through street furniture, we've always been a key player in the way mobility is organized in the city. This will be even more true tomorrow, as we have a role to play in the evolution of this mobility and in the world of tomorrow. For me, there are 2 essential aspects:
- The importance of design, which consists in creating a comfortable and functional space, offering various services that make citizens feel included and welcomed in the city.
- The importance of how this design, serving as an advertising medium as well as a source of information and content, can become a unifying element, forming a community.
This is the role that outdoor advertising and communication can play in the evolution of the city in relation to the evolution of mobility.
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