My Club

The My Club loyalty program

Deployed in Reims, Saint-Etienne, Lens and St Pierre La Réunion, the My Club program rewards the sustainable mobility of Transdev passengers.

The principle is simple: each time they board, passengers validate their ticket and each time they validate it, they collect points. These points are then converted into discounts and gifts.

The benefits of the My Club program

For passengers

  • Reward their loyalty to sustainable mobility services.
  • Commercial advantages with local companies and major retailers, increasing purchasing power.


For the region

  • Encourage sustainable mobility and contribute to relieving traffic congestion.
  • Boosting local economics (local businesses and major retailers).

For the network

  • Incentive to validate and fight against fraud.
  • Leverage marketing activities with performance monitoring (measurable and quantifiable objectives).
  • Anchoring the network as a partner in local life.

The example of O'Club Tadao