Transdev, comitted to the global compact 2013

Transdev has embarked on a path of sustainable development consistent with the values of our shareholders, Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations and Veolia Environnement. Our decision to join the United Nations Global Compact formally affirms this commitment. We consider our support for the Global Compact an opportunity for continuous improvement in the areas of corporate responsibility, social relations, environmental protection and business integrity. We therefore pledge to continue to apply the Global Compact's 10 principles, in a determined, practical way, and to share them with our partners.
Jean-Marc Janaillac, Chief Executive Officer of Transdev

When it comes to CSR, how we act is just as important as the desired results. Building together by involving our teams and stakeholders is key to driving our sense of responsibility forward...

Véronique Subileau, Group's CSR Director
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