TRAM in Barcelona creates collaborative playlist to enjoy silent public transit journeys


Transdev’s light rail operation in Barcelona, TRAM has launched a collaborative playlist on the Spotify digital music platform to help riders enjoy their silent journeys on public transit.

The ‘TRAM viatja en silenci’ (TRAM travels in silence) playlist kicked off with 10 singers from various cities in the Barcelona metropolitan area with different styles: Estopa, Stay Homas, La Folie, Love of Lesbian, Aitana, Manel, Zeidah, Ferran Palau, La Rosalía and Maria Arnal.

To make tram rides more enjoyable, now that riders are advised not to talk in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19, TRAM in Barcelona is encouraging both light rail passengers and the general public to add their favorite songs to this playlist.

The collaborative list hopes to improve riders’ experience on public transport, after so many changes this year, introducing them to new artists and providing the soundtrack to their journeys.

TRAM also reminds passengers that headphones must be used when listening to music on public transit, so others won’t be disturbed.

Find and follow the ‘TRAM viatja en silenci’ playlist on Spotify by clicking here.

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