Launch in France of the Transdev Academy to recruit and train our future drivers



As a major player in local employment, we are launching the Transdev Academy, our new Apprentice Training Center (CFA) to recruit and train bus and coach drivers in the regions.


In France, the Transdev Academy will set up, from September 2020, training sessions for apprentice drivers dedicated to the regions and conducted locally, as close as possible to the needs.

With 90 apprentices undertaking driver training between September and December 2020, more than 250 apprentice drivers in 2022 and a rate of 500 apprentices per year from 2023, we have made the choice, with the Transdev Academy, to look firmly to the future, to be a dedicated player in the French recovery plan by working for economic and social reconstruction alongside the PTAs.

The Transdev Academy offers apprentices graduate courses that will allow them to obtain diplomas and titles recognized by the French State and the industry:

  • Certificate of Professional Aptitude (CAP) as reception and driving agent
  • Professional Title as public transportation driver.

To carry out this mission, the Transdev Academy relies on two longstanding partners who are experts in initial driver training and are geographically present throughout France:

  • AFTRAL, the leading player in logistics training, which benefits from 120 training centers and 101 schools specialized in transportation and logistics,
  • ECF Pro, a benchmark player in the fields of transportation, operations, occupational safety and road safety, with a network of 86 training institutes.

To meet the local training objective of the Transdev Academy, partnerships with local players will be forged as the project is rolled out.


At the same time, apprentices will be able to count on support throughout their training by apprenticeship masters, experienced drivers and company representatives. With this organization, our ambition is to promote the development of skills and encourage diversified career paths. By enabling our employees to become apprenticeship masters and pass on their know-how to newcomers, we are capitalizing on the business expertise of our teams.

Designed without any premises of its own, the Transdev Academy relies on its solid partnerships with national and local players for integration, employment and training, to jointly build the most effective training solutions for mobility jobs with local players.

We intend to go even further in terms of integration through employment and qualification by opening access to mobility professions through apprenticeships and work-study programs. As of 2021, training will be offered by integrating pre-qualification systems. The Transdev Academy is committed to the inclusion of those who are the most remote from employment.

The Transdev Academy is also planning to develop its training systems for other mobility professions as of 2022. This choice aims to reinforce the diversity of Transdev’s teams, an essential lever for developing the commitment of our employees and the attractiveness of the company.

Transdev is also committed to a project for a local mobility platform alongside major service companies and private employment organizations. The companies involved in this project undertake to share the evolution of their workforce within their respective structures, by area, and to compare the positions to be filled in one area with any adjustments that may be planned in the others.

This collaborative work will also make it possible to identify the skills required to occupy these positions and to suggest solutions to support and bridge from one company to another, with a concern for job preservation.

The Transdev Academy makes it possible to publicize our activity and, above all, to provide training in mobility professions, which are constantly evolving in order to continue to offer a quality service to the PTAs and passengers. We are very proud of the creation of the Transdev Academy in France, serving the revitalization of the French regions through qualification and integration through employment.

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