Good transport behaviour on Libéo network

Affiche de la campagne de communication à Brive sur les bons comportements dans les transports pour le réseau Libéo.

Transdev Brive launches a communication campaign on good transport behavior for the Libéo network. Since November 13, new passengers have been invited onto the Libéo network!

To raise awareness among users of Brive’s public transport system, a campaign entitled “On n’est pas des animaux” (“We’re not animals”) has been set up for two weeks.

With its humorous tone, this communication reminds us of good behavior to adopt on public transport, such as kindness, cleanliness, respect, discretion and politeness.

The poster campaign will be deployed on bus shelters, on board buses and digitally on social networks.

Affiche campagne de communication sur les bons comportements dans les transports à Brive pour le réseau Libéo
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