Our passengers usually don’t see them, but behind the scenes they are indispensable: our Clean Teams. In various regions of the Netherlands, our buses are cleaned by very special and dedicated teams of individuals who perhaps do not get the official recognition they deserve.
Our newest Clean Team was set up six months ago in Gooi & Vechtstreek in the central part of the Netherlands, in collaboration with Sherpa, a Dutch Foundation that aims to provide support for persons with intellectual and/or physical disabilities to discover their hidden talents or chase their dreams.
With approximately 1,500 employees and 600 volunteers, Sherpa provides services to approximately 1,400 clients in the Netherlands. A team of experts provides the guidance and support clients need to fully participate in society. They focus on the uniqueness of every person and work professionally, involved and in consultation with the client and their environment.
In Gooi & Vechstreek the eight members of the Clean Team clean several buses in Hilversum every day. And they do this with great enthusiasm. Currently, they are still cleaning the old diesel buses, but Clean Team member Gerrit is already looking forward to the new electric buses: “It seems very nice to clean electric buses. But it’s also exciting, it’s very different from what we do now. Perhaps we’ll have to learn new things.”

His colleague Ronald lives near the depot in Hilversum and would like to stay with the Clean Team for a while: “Actually, I’m about to retire, but cleaning buses is so much fun that I’d like to keep doing it for a day or two a week.”
The Clean Team colleagues are especially proud when they receive compliments from the drivers from Gooi & Vechtstreek. Gerrit says proudly, “Sometimes a driver says he wants my bus when he starts his shift. They are so beautifully clean then!”

The Clean Team in Gooi & Vechstreek and across the Netherlands is an illustration of Transdev Group’s commitment to make a valuable contribution to the communities we serve by enriching the lives of persons with physical and/or disabilities and thereby serving the common good.
To learn more about Sherpa and their important work, click here.