World first: a solution to reduce air pollution tested by Transdev, Tallano et IVECO BUS


Issy-les-Moulineaux, April 30, 2024 – Transdev, Tallano Technologies and IVECO BUS are joining forces to test TAMIC® , a system for recovering fine particles emitted during bus braking. Full-scale tests will start in the second half of 2024 on an urban transport network operated by Transdev.

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    • Transdev, Tallano Technologies and IVECO BUS present a solution for recovering fine particles generated by bus braking systems.
    • Studies and tests of this anti-pollution device are underway, with a view to real-life testing in the fall of 2024.
    • European legislation provides a framework for environmental standards for combustion engine emissions. Between now and 2030, it will be supplemented by a section on "non-exhaust" particulate emissions, i.e. those coming from braking systems in particular. The innovation developed and tested by Transdev, Tallano Technologies and IVECO BUS aims to offer a solution that will meet these future requirements.

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    Initially tested on three IVECO BUS city buses, this technology for recovering fine-particle pollutants will be deployed on 50 IVECO BUS buses during the trial. Analyses will thus be carried out on a large scale in a real-life situation.

    Developed by Tallano Technologies after many years of research and development, the TAMIC®* technological solution is entering a new phase in its adaptation to intensive use on heavy public transport vehicles.

    Protected by a portfolio of some fifty patents, filed in over 10 countries, the technology enables the capture of over 70% of the fine particle pollution emitted by the friction of brake pads on bus brake discs. On average, every year, a city bus with an internal combustion engine generates around 4kg of braking particles which, without appropriate devices, end up in the atmosphere and on the ground.

    The system works in four stages:

    • Suction: thanks to a groove created in the brake pad.
    • Retention: over 70% of fine and ultra-fine particles are captured.
    • Particle filtration.
    • Recycling of collected particles.


    According to ADEME** [French Agency for Ecological Transition], while exhaust pollutant emissions from combustion engines have decreased with the widespread use of particle filters, those from brake abrasion (but also from tires and road surfaces) are becoming increasingly preponderant.

    Following the establishment of environmental regulations to limit pollutant emissions from combustion engine vehicles, by 2030 Europe will have introduced a new set of standards for fine and ultrafine particles emitted “outside the exhaust”. In fact, the latter can be harmful to public health. And, from an environmental point of view, rainwater, by washing away asphalt surfaces in urban areas, drains into sewage systems water laden with rubber micro-particles and metallic, chlorinated and sulphureous elements originating in particular from the abrasion of brakes, tires and road surfaces.

    The innovation project led by Transdev, Tallano Technologies and IVECO BUS, in addition to being part of a shared desire to make transport cleaner and more virtuous from an ecological point of view, also makes it

    possible to anticipate the introduction of new European regulatory requirements applicable to public transport vehicles, buses and coaches.

    The tests organized in 2024, representing an international first, will pave the way for new stages, such as approval of the pollution control system when the standards are defined, and industrial development of the solution. Indeed, the braking particle capture system based on Tallano’s technology, and implemented by Transdev and IVECO BUS, is ideally suited to both new vehicles and the retrofitting of existing buses.


    *TAMIC®: Technologie d’Aspiration des MICro-particules de freins = Brake Particle Aspiration Technology


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