3rd edition of the Women’s mentoring program by the Excom

Participantes Mentorat au féminin par le Comex

Comex kicked off the 3rd edition of the Women's mentoring program by the Excom on April 10 and 11 for 9 mentees.

As part of the Women’s mentoring program by the Excom, the 9 mentees from the US, France, Australia-New Zealand, Sweden, Germany, Canada, the Netherlands and Portugal had the opportunity to meet their to set their objectives during this one-year long program. 

They participated in two half-day training sessions covering topics such as mentoring best practices, stereotypes, biases, limiting beliefs, diverse leadership styles, and current women’s leadership challenges.

For one year, the pairs will be able to exchange ideas approximately once a month in a caring and transparent environment, with a major objective: to encourage each other’s development by capitalizing on mutual experience sharing. This privileged dialogue will also enable mentees to define and implement their objectives within the program.

The Women’s mentoring program by the Excom reflects the Group’s commitment to developing diversity, equity and inclusion at all levels of the company, in the interests of performance, innovation and its attractiveness as an employer.

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