Transdev in Raleigh, North Carolina wins two statewide awards


GoRaleigh, Transdev’s operation in Raleigh, North Carolina has won two statewide awards: North Carolina’s Transit System of the Year Award and the Safety Award, presented by the North Carolina Public Transportation Association (NCPTA).

The Transit System of the Year Award is given to a transit system that best represents the public transportation industry. This recognizes promoting mobility and removing barriers that cause isolation; and promoting economic growth while providing safe, efficient, and reliable services.

The Safety Award recognizes the best safety record for the year. Safety is the number one priority for all regional transit systems and is difficult to achieve, especially in an ever-changing urban environment.

Winners were selected by an independent evaluation committee chaired by the NCPTA Executive Director and comprised of media and trade association professionals.

GoRaleigh’s 2019 accomplishments include:

  • Largest one-year expansion of services, representing a larger investment than the previous 10 years combined;
  • Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) fueling station brought into service, avoiding burning 121,172 gallons of diesel fuel in the first six months of operation; and
  • Reduction of its minimum ridership threshold for bus stop shelters from 25 to 10 passengers per day, resulting in plans for about 100 new shelters over the next three years.

GoRaleigh is a leader in North Carolina. GoRaleigh easily stood out with their CNG powered fleet conversion, expanded service network and their overall efforts to improve the public’s perception of transit. We are delighted to recognize them for their outstanding innovation and leadership in public transportation.

David Rhew, Executive Director of NCPTA. 

The GoRaleigh staff of 305 people includes bus operators, mechanics, utility workers, janitors, road and shop supervisors, dispatchers, and other support staff.

The last few months have been extremely difficult navigating as a public transportation agency for all of our staff during the pandemic, but I’m really proud of everyone on our team, now more than ever. The recognition of the teams’ commitment from our bus operators, bus and facilities crew to our administrative staff, is deserving and appreciated.

Marie Parker, General Manager of GoRaleigh

About GoRaleigh

GoRaleigh is the city’s public transit bus service for all residents. GoRaleigh operates 87 buses in peak service, serving approximately 17,000 passengers per day and covers a territory of 144 square miles

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